About Us

A man is explaining Socia Partners skills and experience

Our skills and experience

Socia Partners is led by a team of individuals with vast experience across adult social care and business management.

We have over 15 years of experience in Adult Social Care working with individuals across service user groups, including learning disabilities, mental health, older people, dementia and physical disabilities.

Directors of Socia have had vast experience managing teams of 70+ full time staff members, and securing contracts worth over £10m in both the UK and the US. Backed by over 16 years hands on management experience, we are experts at growing effective, lean services that exceed customer expectations.

Our directors have been supporting Councils to implement social work projects since 2019, and in doing so have developed clear strategies to ensure successful execution and completion of large scale projects in adult social care.

With deep experience across healthcare, digital and business, we are well positioned to make a meaningful impact on your bottom line, we understand first-hand the pressure departments and individuals are under to make improvements and we are here to help.

We launched Socia Partners after witnessing how funding cuts and social work reforms have affected Local Authorities across England and Wales. The Care Act 2014 and The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 have put into law many protections for individuals to ensure they are safe from abuse and are able to access support no matter where in the Country they live.
However, it is naïve to presume Councils have been able to continue to implement this legislation with ease. With a 49.1% real terms reduction in Government funding in the 7-year period preceding and following the introduction of the Care Act and Well-being Act and

Social Care assessment team is working on several projects.

94% of Local Authorities reducing their service budgets in the 2021-2022 financial year, it is nearly impossible to manage annual reviews, assessments, and CHC funding requests alongside longer-term casework.

More Councils are now choosing to use social work delivery services to meet adult social care needs, and Socia Partners consider ourselves the best-placed organization in the Country to offer this. Our service is run by experienced, registered social workers with years of project experience, not corporate leaders with no understanding or passion for how social work is delivered in practice.

Adult Social Care Assessment services team by Socia Partners

Our Vision

To lead the way through social work reforms to ensure changes don’t impact the quality of care individuals receive.

To continue to work with Councils to develop creative solutions that save money and support social work teams around the Country.

To cultivate our connections with the best social workers in the UK by offering flexible working arrangements, training opportunities, and excellent rates of pay.
To build long term working relationships with Councils across England and Wales so projects can be implemented quickly and effectively to meet the changing needs of a Local Authority and its residents.
To be transparent in all ways that we assess opportunities, communicate services and support clients to achieve their goals.
Four Adult social care assessment experts are working and discussing on CHC Assessment.

Our future development goals

To pioneer and advance the use of technology with adult social care to empower individuals to be more involved in their assessments and service provision. We plan to work with Digital Health graduates to launch start ups that will directly help service users with their health and social care management.

To position ourselves as a top social work agency in order to offer even more creative solutions in social work provision, as well as ultimately lower costs for Local Authorities who choose to use our services.

To develop a social work training department to enable independent social workers to manage their Continuing Professional Development with ease. We envision Local Authorities commissioning training packages which not only meet legal requirements, but which offer learning opportunities that will directly improve their employees’ practice.