Ways To Help A Parent Who’s Been Diagnosed With Dementia

If one of your parents has been diagnosed with dementia, you may be dealing with a range of emotions at the moment. A dementia diagnosis can come as a shock to your parent and their loved ones. This can be a daunting experience to go through, so you might not know where to begin. It’s understandable that you would want to support your loved one in the best way possible, so you should take some time to evaluate the different options available to you. Within this article, you will find a few helpful guidelines, designed to provide you with more information on what you can do to support a parent with dementia.

Develop A Care Plan

Once someone has been diagnosed with dementia, they will need to have a care plan developed. This should outline the type of care that they might need and it should cover steps to keep doing the things that are important to them for as long as possible. If they have any health conditions that need to be monitored, they should be mentioned. Also, there should be information about services that might help them, as well as the name of a social care person, who will coordinate everything. It’s important to help a loved one develop their care plan by contacting local services to find out what you can do.

Arrange An Assessment

They will also need to have a Care Act assessment from the social services department of your local council. An assessment is conducted with the aim of determining if someone qualifies for social care funding. You may also wish for them to be assessed for NHS Continuing Healthcare eligibility. This is a type of funding which is designed to pay for support to help manage high level health needs. Typically, an assessment will be carried out with a nursing professional, as well as a social worker and other health professionals, who might be involved in their care. Initially, a Continuing Healthcare Checklist will be prepared to find out if they qualify for a full assessment, referred to as a Decision Support Tool.

Look For Advice And Information

You should strive to get accurate information and advice regarding social care so that you can support your loved one as best as you can. Our team at Socia Partners has extensive experience across adult social care and business management, so we can help you find out more about Full Care Act assessments and figure out what to do if you have been on the waitlist for a long time. Have a look at our FAQs, if you have any questions or concerns.

Evaluate Their Care Options

It’s important to explore the different care options available to them to see which one is the most suitable. Many people with dementia choose to stay in their own home, provided they have enough support. Being in a familiar environment can have a positive impact on their mental wellbeing. This means that it could be a good idea to look into making their home dementia-friendly. At some point, their symptoms might get worse, so they may need to move to a care home or a nursing home, where they will have extra support. Make sure you talk through your thoughts with your loved ones, as this can be a tough decision to make.

Find Support As A Carer

Remember that you might be eligible for help as a carer, so it can be beneficial to have a carer’s assessment. For example, you might be entitled to a carer’s personal budget while you are taking care of a loved one. Moreover, if you don’t know much about the Adult Social Care field, you might find most of the acronyms confusing, so be sure to check out our terminology page for more information on how to navigate this system. You can also find out more about our services and what we can do to support you and your loved one during these challenging times.

Support Them With Everyday Tasks

During the early stages of dementia, most people will be able to continue doing everyday tasks as usual, but this might change with time, so they may need extra help. The person might become more anxious or stressed, as they struggle to remember certain things or concentrate on a conversation. You can support them by doing the shopping for them, maintaining their garden, or laying the table. Some people may also be worried about their personal hygiene, so they might need help washing and dressing as well.

Help Them With Sleep Problems

Dementia can also affect a person’s sleep patterns, so they may experience problems with their body clock. As a result, they may end up waking up in the middle of the night, not being aware that it’s night-time. To help them through this time, you may want to encourage them to cut out caffeine and alcohol in the evenings and get them a dementia-friendly clock, which shows whether it is day or night-time. Also, make sure their bedroom is comfortable and they have suitable blackout blinds.

Manage Financial Matters

When it comes to managing financial issues, it’s crucial to ensure that the person feels in control. It can be helpful to reassure them that everything is taken care of. In some cases, people with dementia might be able to continue managing basic financial matters, such as setting up direct debits or paying their bills. Otherwise, it can be helpful to contact the relevant companies and provide them with an alternative number they can call. In addition, you can also gather all of their important documents, such as bank statements, insurance policies, pension details, and others and put them in a safe place.

Think About The Future

Encourage your loved one to think about the future as soon as possible. There are a few key things that can be done at this point, such as ensuring they have an up-to-date will, indicating their wishes. Also, they may want to set up a Lasting Power of Attorney, which means that a responsible person will need to make decisions on their behalf. It can be a good idea to learn more about annual care reviews, if you need more help. Make sure you talk to your parent about their care and check that they are comfortable with all types of treatment that they are due to receive.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you require more information and a member of our experienced team will get back to you promptly.


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